Fawn is a Light buff, tan, Quartzitic Sandstone that may contain areas of light to significant rust-colored or gray movement. The thermal process creates a slightly rough texture with a low sheen. This process also enhances the color of the stone while leaving a slip-resistant surface. The thermal process tends to pull a crimson tint from the stone, this is unavoidable.
Fawn is warm to buff and light tan, Quartzitic Sandstone that may contain minimal to excessive gray and rusty mineral movement or veining. The brushed process removes surface area slightly unevenly leaving a smooth satin feel with subtle concave and convex areas which follow the natural mineral and veining of the stone which makes a very unique exotic domestic material.
Fawn is a Light buff, tan, Quartzitic Sandstone that may contain areas of light to significant rust-colored or gray movement. The polishing process transforms the stone from a dull sawn surface to a very high gloss that is reflective. This texture brings out the fine details of the character in the natural stone.
Fawn is a Light buff, tan, Quartzitic Sandstone that may contain areas of light to significant rust-colored or gray movement. The honed process is a smooth, low sheen glossy surface texture.