Saw Kerf Rotational
Continuous support panel dead-load
6005A aluminum alloy T6 temper
75% minimum recycled content
Panel thickness range: 1″ – 4″
About the system
- 2 part rotational engagement system
- Utilizes a continuous saw cut kerf along the top and bottom edge of panel
- Available in clear or black anodized
- Designed for panel thickness from 20mm to 2”
- Optimal panel heights are between 12” up to 36” (subject to engineering review)
Advantages include:
- Rotational engagement allows for a fast and efficient
installation - Allows for Non-sequential installation of panels
- Easy removal/replacement of panels without affecting
surrounding cladding - Saw kerfs simplify panel preparation for immediate installation
- Provides continuous panel support (avoid issues with point
loading) - Can achieve open or sealed joint applications
- Manageable panel sizes help to reduce labor expenses
The Gridworx Saw Kerf Rotational (SKR) is a (2) part ventilated rainscreen solution that utilizes a continuous saw kerf along the top and bottom edge of the cladding panel. By utilizing the Gridworx patented “rotational engagement method” the SKR provides unique advantages not available with other anchoring systems, including the ability to install panels non-sequentially, and the easy removal of damaged or rejected panels without disrupting the surrounding facade. With panels arriving at the jobsite cut and kerfed there is virtually no panel preparation needed before installation. The Gridworx SKR System delivers a quick and efficient installation, reducing labor costs and minimizing waste.

