Mechanical Kerf Rotational
Continuous support panel dead-load
6005A aluminum alloy T6 temper
Undercut Anchor
Mechanical Kerf Anchor & Gridworx Mechanical Kerf Lock Washer
Precise Alignment
Soffits and Underhangs
75% minimum recycled content
Panel thickness range: 12mm – 20mm
About the system
- 2 part rotational system
- Utilizes 4” long, discrete mechanical kerf extrusions that
are applied via blind undercut anchors along the back
surface, located along the top and bottom edge of the
panel. - Ideal for panel thicknesses 8mm to 20mm
- Ideal panel height are between 12” to 36” (subject to
engineering review)
Advantages include:
- Allows for precise multi-directional adjustments, including
lateral, vertical, and horizontal positioning - Perfect solution for Soffits, Underhangs, and Fascia Panels
- Same benefits of SKR (saw kerf rotational) system available for much
thinner panels - Allows for a fast and efficient installation
- Allows for Non-sequential installation of panels
- Easy removal/replacement of panels without affecting
surrounding cladding - Manageable panel sizes help to reduce labor expenses
The Gridworx’s Mechanical Kerf Rotational System (MKR) is a (3) part ventilated rainscreen solution that applies a mechanical or chemically attached discrete “kerf clip” to the back of the panel. Designed to integrate with the traditional Gridworx rail, The MKR was developed for cladding materials that are too thin to kerf but want to utilize the benefits of the Gridworx patented “rotational engagement method”. The MKR system provides additional installation versatility. Whether installed as a complete cladding application, or integrated with other Gridworx systems, the MKR delivers clean transitions and blind connections, achieving any design intent.

